Practical tips

Rainbow Trust provides practical support to families. This can range from providing transport to and from hospital, looking after the sick child to enable parents to spend time with other siblings or creating a safe environment for your sick child and siblings to play in at our drop-in groups.

Supporting the whole family

Read our family stories to find out more about the kind of support we offer families with a seriosuly ill child. We support the whole family including parents, carers, the unwell child, brothers, sisters and grandparents. Support is hugely varied and depends on the needs of the family.

Glossary of terms

If you’re finding the constant medical terminology and our special jargon a little overwhelming, just take a look at our glossary of terms which is there to help you understand what people are talking about.

Support for parents

Taking time off work to be with your child

Many parents are concerned about how to combine work with caring for their child but there are some options.

Benefits and other sources of help

Check what benefits your family may be entitled to, and find out about help with parking and equipment.

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What Rainbow Trust does