Meet Rainbow Trust volunteers, Sara and Marjolein

Meet Rainbow Trust volunteers, Sara and Marjolein

Rainbow Trust
Meet Rainbow Trust volunteers, Sara and Marjolein image

Date published: 21 May 2024 by Katie Inglis

It's Volunteers' Week! A time to celebrate the incredible people who dedicate their time to make a difference. At Rainbow Trust, we're especially grateful for our volunteers – they're the heart of what we do. We caught up with Sara and Marjolein, two of our amazing head office volunteers. They shared their experiences and what keeps them coming back.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?


"I’m retired, married with two children and three granddaughters. I enjoy reading, gardening, watching thrillers on TV, especially foreign, sub-titled ones. Although I go to a French conversation class, I’m definitely pretty rusty so sub-titles are essential!"


"I came to the UK in 2001 with my family, having lived in Curaçao, the Dutch Caribbean, most of my life. In 2014 I moved to Shepperton when my children had all flown the nest."

Why did you decide to volunteer with Rainbow Trust?


"As I live in Leatherhead the Rainbow Trust office is local to me so when I found myself ‘restructured’ out of a job in 2015 I decided to retire but was reluctant to leave behind office life entirely. A volunteer office role was advertised online, I applied and was accepted.

Having experienced the challenges presented by having our younger son at home for many years suffering from ME and then depression, I was all too familiar with the stress and isolation for a family that can result from long-term illness. Fortunately, he has recovered and, belatedly, rebuilt his life, an outcome which I know is not an option for many of the families supported by Rainbow Trust. However, it is an organisation that is so very worthwhile."


"I wanted to use some of my time volunteering for a good cause and when I searched for available jobs, Rainbow Trust came up with a position that interested me helping with some administrative work."

Can you explain what your role typically involves? What does a ‘typical’ volunteering session look like?


"I never know what to expect when I arrive at the office. Sometimes it’s entering addresses on the donor database from online donations or removing names from the mailing list, other times it’s collecting together T-shirts for competitors in sports events. Writing thank-you cards, sticking ribbons on chocolate coins for medals, laminating posters, scanning documents ……… I enjoy the variety and don’t have a problem doing some of the tedious, repetitive jobs."


"I mostly help the Fundraising Administrator with preparing and sending T-shirts out to volunteers, taking stock of all the T-shirts on a regular basis, counting money, help with updating the database, as well as anything else that needs to be done."

What’s the best thing about your volunteering?


"It’s an environment that’s quite different from home so in a small way adds an extra dimension to my life. The staff are all very pleasant and helpful and it’s good to have a bit more of an insight into the workings of a modern charity that does such valuable work."


"I enjoy being helpful to others and working with a very nice team of people who show their appreciation every time."

What are the challenges?


"I think these lie entirely in the area of technology and bits of equipment that I haven’t encountered before, certainly not in my last job which was nearly ten years ago."


"I have not experienced any challenges. I am happy with what I do and if I can learn new skills I will give it a go!"

What has been your one stand-out memory from volunteering for Rainbow Trust so far?


"It's really difficult to pick out anything in particular but I’m always impressed by all the effort and creativity staff put into what they’re doing."


"The positive atmosphere in the office and the accomplishments of the teams to help raise funds to provide for the care of so many seriously ill children."

If you've been inspired to get involved on a voluntary basis at Rainbow Trust, you can check out our volunteering opportunities here.

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