Date published: 23 November 2016 by Anna Jackson
Each year shoppers are able to make huge savings from big brand retailers during Black Friday and Cyber Monday as prices are slashed both online and in-store. As part of our Giving Tuesday campaign, we are calling on shoppers to take part in a charity price match and donate their savings to Rainbow Trust this year.
Rainbow Trust receive less than 3% funding from government so it is only through the generosity of our supporters that we are able to help families caring for a seriously ill child when they need us most. To learn more about the impact the support we provide has on families watch A Day With Amelia
What is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is an international day of charitable giving following Black Friday and Cyber Monday celebrating charity work and raising money.
Want to know the difference your donations could make?
- £3 could buy easy-to-use jumbo wax crayons to entertain a young child with delayed development needs
- £5 could buy a picture book to encourage a child’s early language skills
- £24 could pay for one hour of emotional and practical support
- £384 could pay for a bereavement support specialist for one month
- £570 could cover the travel cost of a Family Support Worker taking seriously ill children and their families to hospital for one month
- £735 pays to keep our 24-hour telephone helpline running for one month
- £1,200 would fund a vital drop-in group for a year
It’s quick and easy to donate your savings, just click here.

Have you donated your savings? Let us know using the hashtag #CharityPriceMatch on social media so we can thank you!