Thank you !

Thank you !

Dear ,

Thank you for supporting seriously ill children and their families this Christmas.

Your wonderful gift of £0.00 will enable us to help more families with a life-threatened child, like Erhun, who has a highly complex condition with many additional needs, who is supported by Family Support Worker Shelly, and Jaydan, who is supported by Family Support Worker Monica after he was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour.

As some of the families we support are having to choose between paying electricity bills to keep life-saving equipment running, putting food on the table or paying for transport we are more grateful than ever to you.

The current cost-of-living crisis impact on them means that they may miss vital hospital treatment as they can’t afford transport to and from hospital.

With your help we are able to provide the transport and emotional support that they need right now.

With your gift, Family Support Workers like Shelly and Monica may help ease the anxiety and stresses that some families may be experiencing because they can’t see a way out or simply don’t know how to deal with their very difficult circumstances.

Your donation today enables families with a seriously ill child to receive the support they need as they navigate the frightening world they never thought they would find themselves in. Thank you.

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas.

Hanne Widmer
Individual Giving Manager, Rainbow Trust

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  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time, simply by contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please notify us. This guarantee should be retained by the payer.

If you have any questions about your donation contact us on 01372 220083 or email [email protected]

Copyright © 2025 Rainbow Trust Children's Charity. All rights reserved.
Registered Charity no.1070532.

Our mailing address is:
Rainbow Trust Children's Charity
Cassini Court
Randalls Way
Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7TW
United Kingdom

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